What is Sport?
Noun : An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others.
Baseball ::
Baseball is a sport played in many countries with the biggest baseball league in the world being in the U.S.A, here below I’ll try and give you a brief and relatively easy to understand explanation of game that has been around since the early 1300’s it is said, I have followed baseball since I was very young as a sport and played a few variations of it during school too
Baseball first beginnings was said to be possibly French in origin although this maybe only because they were first to document such sporting events, also another theory was baseball evolved from rounders which was played in Great Britain and Ireland , this later history of baseball was proven reasonably recently in a book by David Block.
He found early references to baseball in Britain in the 1700’s and also early recordings of bass ball (Correct spelling back then) where the Prince of Wales played.
The game in its earliest forms was then brought to North America by English immigrants through the late 1700’s.