Here you can learn how to play Harpoon on guitar by the band Jebediah.
Harpoon is a song by the band Jebediah, it is off the Slightly Odway album which was released in 1997.
Jebediah is an Australian band consisting of these legends, Kevin Mitchell, Chris Daymond, Vanessa Thornton, and Brett Mitchell.
I fell in love with Harpoon from the moment I heard the song and it is pretty much a standard go to song on my iPod.
I have learnt this song in the past, but I haven’t played it live at all over the years.
So this is probably the most time I have spent learning to play Harpoon by Jebediah, and I’m glad I have as Slightly Odway has been / is a favourite album of mine too.
The chords to learn how to play Harpoon on guitar are below with a few notes too, and also the video for the song off Youtube so you don’t have to go hunting for it if you want to play along.